Wonders of The Water

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Ralph/Quasi/Bacarra/Zuyuri: I second everyone's yay lol Aug 22, 2014 20:32:17 GMT
Patty/Hans/Fleur/Pitch: count me in Aug 24, 2014 0:50:30 GMT
Charlotte|Clopin: I'd like to be part of this too... If it's still possible xD Otherwise ignore me :) Sept 3, 2014 9:33:15 GMT
angelofmusic1992: Sure! :) Just let me know if you want any characters to participate in the battle. If you want, you can make a video or a fanfic about them meeting up with Anne or one of her friends and joining the army. Sept 3, 2014 15:52:52 GMT
Sif | Cerise: I made a new crack video its kinda my first one www.youtube.com/watch?v=KUPK7P7SFIQ&feature=youtu.be Sept 3, 2014 21:26:30 GMT
Charlotte|Clopin: I think I'd use Clopin ^^ and I could write a fanfic ^^ Sept 4, 2014 19:30:31 GMT
angelofmusic1992: That'll work. :) Sept 7, 2014 14:51:26 GMT
Giselle/Flora: Would anyone like to plot with me Sept 7, 2014 17:49:25 GMT
Ralph/Quasi/Bacarra/Zuyuri: beepbeep, Angel Sept 7, 2014 21:49:57 GMT
angelofmusic1992: Cyn, I've sent you an important message. Please look at it as soon as you can. Sept 10, 2014 13:49:02 GMT
Crysta|Asinka|Queen Mab|Merida: Anyone feel like plotting? Sept 10, 2014 15:26:34 GMT
Cyn|Miguel|Amelia|Vitani|Mouse: I'll plot with you Crysta. :) Sept 10, 2014 22:11:06 GMT
angelofmusic1992: Rukiashego, can you remove Bacarra from your profile name? Sept 11, 2014 1:47:16 GMT
angelofmusic1992: I'm going to get started on my video depicting the big battle, so if you want anything specific to happen to your characters (like having them run into a certain enemy or die) let me know now. Sept 11, 2014 20:21:15 GMT
Crysta|Asinka|Queen Mab|Merida: Uh, Merida would probably be there. She'd most likely be gunning for Blue. (If all that's okay) Sept 11, 2014 20:32:47 GMT
angelofmusic1992: The video for the battle has been posted. I apologize in advance if I forgot to put in anyone's characters: www.youtube.com/watch?v=szXcKCaFk-Q Sept 22, 2014 17:03:27 GMT
Red|Tulio|Kayley: If anyone wants to plot, send me a message. I'm not doing much here. Sept 22, 2014 19:16:11 GMT
Ralph/Quasi/Bacarra/Zuyuri: Oh my gosh! I need to reply to our plots, Red! Also, the offer for my characters being plotted with is open, too Sept 22, 2014 20:41:57 GMT
Red|Tulio|Kayley: It's fine. :D Oct 1, 2014 20:11:17 GMT
Patty/Hans/Fleur/Pitch: bad me, i haven't been on for so long. I want something to do with my characters Oct 25, 2014 6:45:18 GMT
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